
eQuoo will teach you the essential psychological skills you need to be able to level up in the game – and in life, too. Once you’ve mastered a skill set, you will embark on a choose-your-own adventure game, where each level is a different genre. Whether its sci-fi, a love story or sword and sorcery, you will be challenged to use your skills to level up.

The skills and story lines are empirically based on current psychological research using psycho-education, gamification and AI to take you on an adventure that supersedes the game. You will find yourself equipped with emotional and psychological skills that will get you ahead in all your relationships – be it work, with your family, or in your own love story.

eQuoo will be part of a psychological RCT (random control trial) to verify our claims that eQuoo makes your life better – don’t trust us, trust the science! eQuoo is a product of PsycApps Limited.


Click here to learn more about our Emotional Fitness game, eQuoo